My idea for this project stemmed from my love of shoes. I have a lot of shoes, of all different kinds and I think the shoes you wear can express a lot about a person. Shoes are also what allow us to walk around the world. I wanted to continue to incorporate colors into this project to continue my concentration.
This is the general image that I want to create. I love the colors and the focus used in this piece.
I chose a warm day and set up a a basket of shoes in my driveway because I thought the cracked asphalt would provide an interesting, textured background for my pieces.
I had to edit these shots a lot because the sun made my legs really white and overexposed and I bumped up the colors of the shoes to place emphasis on my concentration.
I have mixed feelings about the final pieces for this project mostly because it was really difficult to change the colors without making them look really fake. I definitely want to try this again, maybe with less sunlight and a different background. I also would like to try taking pictures with different perspectives of shoes instead of each image being pretty much the same. This project still fits in well with my concentration, so I plan on using a few of these pieces in the art show.