Wednesday, April 1, 2015

3rd Marking Period: Light Bulbs

This project doesn't really necessarily have a meaning behind it, I just wanted to focus on something other than pictures and photoshop. I decided to paint different scenes/ designs onto lightbulbs and then photograph them in a unique way. Painting the light bulbs is actually rather difficult because you can't do them all at once and the paint wants to spread too thinly over the surface of the bulb.

These are some of the images that gave me inspiration. I'm hoping to photograph both the light bulbs themselves and a room with the lightbulbs illuminating it.

I do not currently have all of my light bulbs finished to do what I hoped to do, but here are two of my finished light bulbs.

Friday, March 27, 2015

3rd Marking Period: Shoes

My idea for this project stemmed from my love of shoes. I have a lot of shoes, of all different kinds and I think the shoes you wear can express a lot about a person. Shoes are also what allow us to walk around the world. I wanted to continue to incorporate colors into this project to continue my concentration.

This is the general image that I want to create. I love the colors and the focus used in this piece.

I chose a warm day and set up a a basket of shoes in my driveway because I thought the cracked asphalt would provide an interesting, textured background for my pieces. 

I had to edit these shots a lot because the sun made my legs really white and overexposed and I bumped up the colors of the shoes to place emphasis on my concentration.


I have mixed feelings about the final pieces for this project mostly because it was really difficult to change the colors without making them look really fake. I definitely want to try this again, maybe with less sunlight and a different background. I also would like to try taking pictures with different perspectives of shoes instead of each image being pretty much the same. This project still fits in well with my concentration, so I plan on using a few of these pieces in the art show. 

Friday, March 13, 2015

3rd Marking Period: Experimenting with Overlay and Color

I really liked the work that we did for double exposures in advance last year so I wanted to try that again. I got a lot of inspiration from Matt Wisniewski's work along with other that I found on the internet. In some double exposures, colors tend to be lost due to the different overlays, so I wanted to try to keep as much color as I could from the individual pieces.

Both of these pieces kept a lot of color and are really eye-catching, which is what I want to try for in my piece.

I only used two pictures overall because I only wanted to make one final piece.

I loved this piece. I think it is very mysterious but also pleasing to the eye. This is something that I definitely want to do again. It also relates to my concentration because the varying colors.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Portrait of a Man or Woman

I believe that old pictures of a person help tell their life story and the portraits show growth in one's life.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Winter Weather

I wanted to explain this one a little bit because it isn't what you typically picture when you think of winter. I love the way that trees look after they have lost all of their leaves and the sun shining through them is such a beautiful thing. It's one of the few things I actually enjoy about winter and the cold weather. 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

3rd Marking Period: Inverting nature and architechture


My concentration has been based around colors and so I thought it would be interesting to experiment with inverting some of my old images. Color opposites are such a basic concept but they can really change the way an image look. I couldn't really find a lot of information about this kind of things when I tried to research other than my basic color theory and meanings that I have used for previous projects.

My contact sheet just consists of old images that I took last year. I edited each one to my liking with a lot of contrast and then used that for part of the final piece and also inverted the image to use for the other half.


This project was spur of the moment and started out as just me passing time until I found an idea for a new project. I actually really like the way these all turned out. The opposing colors placed next to each other really draws your eye to the piece. I would definitely like to continue to experiment with this idea. 

Monday, February 2, 2015

3rd Marking Period: Holga Edits

I liked working with the film camera because it brought an unknown and uncontrollable aspect into taking pictures. A lot of my images didn't come out the way I originally planned but I loved having the freedom to edit however I wanted. 

Thursday, January 22, 2015

10 Meters

I chose 6 pictures instead of 5 because I couldn't decide on which one to take out. 

Friday, January 16, 2015


From Old to New:

The ballet shoes are from when I took a ballet class for about a month when I was 3 years old. The soccer cleats are my newest pair that I bought Wednesday night. I really wanted to showcase the changes that have occurred over my lifetime because something being new constitutes change.