Thursday, February 19, 2015

3rd Marking Period: Inverting nature and architechture


My concentration has been based around colors and so I thought it would be interesting to experiment with inverting some of my old images. Color opposites are such a basic concept but they can really change the way an image look. I couldn't really find a lot of information about this kind of things when I tried to research other than my basic color theory and meanings that I have used for previous projects.

My contact sheet just consists of old images that I took last year. I edited each one to my liking with a lot of contrast and then used that for part of the final piece and also inverted the image to use for the other half.


This project was spur of the moment and started out as just me passing time until I found an idea for a new project. I actually really like the way these all turned out. The opposing colors placed next to each other really draws your eye to the piece. I would definitely like to continue to experiment with this idea. 

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