Friday, January 9, 2015

Reach for Yourslef

Success: the accomplishment of an aim or purpose

I plan to go around and ask some of my friends in this class what success means to them to see how the answers vary

What does success mean to you?

- Being happy with yourself.
- Being where I want to be in life.
- Reaching your goals.
- Having a good paying job and being able to do things in my life that I want to do and when I have kids they won't have to worry.
- Being completely happy with your life no matter what you are doing,
- Being happy.
- You need to get a job, and then a husband and then 6 children and happiness.
- Being content and happy with my life and getting a job that I love doing and having a good family.
- Completing what you want in life that makes you happy.

While a lot of these responses are similar and talk about happiness, each person's happiness will be determined by different things so their versions and ways of achieving success are different.

I found this list of different tips and ways to help someone achieve success. I thought that some of these were very interesting because I had never thought of them as ways of reaching success. The thing I thought was really cool was the fact that each person who sees these tips could use them in a different way.

Looking at my contact sheet compared to my final images, I'm really glad I was able to up the brightness of the background to create a lot of contrast between the hands themselves and the background.

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